When a person or party attempts to influence decision-makers with their point of view or perspective, it is considered lobbying. Since 1640, lawmakers have congregated and received information from citizens that impacts the way that they debate, advocate, and vote. A lobbyist is someone- paid or unpaid- to influence and compel decision makers. 


Lobbying in Nevada requires that the lobbyist files and registers with the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau within 48-hours of active lobbying. There are three distinct types of lobbying currently seen in Nevada; these are: 

  • Direct Lobbying 
  • Grassroots Lobbying 
  • Electoral Lobbying 

The differences between these types of efforts are quite distinctive, and some lobbying may not be legal in some regions.  


Direct lobbying is a direct contact, communication, or conversation between the lobbyist and the decision maker, typically in regard to a specific piece of legislation. In today’s tech-savvy world, this extends to emails and online communications, as well.  

So, what are some ways to direct lobby? 

  • The most common type of direct lobbying is when a citizen reaches out to meet with legislators regarding an issue. These meetings are typically face-to-face.  
  • Another popular method of direct lobbying is when an interested party contacts the staff or a key legislator. The lobbyist may schedule a meeting with the staff person, which may happen in person or via a zoom call.  
  • Don’t underestimate the power of a good email! Another common way to lobby for a cause is through emails or a letter. Ever see special interest groups tell concerned citizens to write their legislators? This is direct lobbying in action. 
  • Simply calling the office of your representative regarding an issue that you feel strongly about is another tactic used by direct lobbyists. This direct, person-to-person contact is an effective means of sharing your point of view clearly.  

Think of direct lobbying as grabbing the bull by the horns, so to speak, and meeting the issue head-on. These are situations where you reach out to the source- the lawmaker- to share your perspective and attempt to influence their opinion, too.  


On the other hand, Grassroots lobbying does not involve communicating directly with the lawmakers, but rather with the public, instead. The lobbyist attempts to influence the public to put pressure on and contact the decision maker about a specific issue. Grassroots lobbying reflects a distinct stance on an issue and encourages others to take action, like circulating petitions or sending letters to government officials.   

Some examples of Grassroots lobbying include the following:  

  • Publishing a letter regarding a social problem or issue in a local newspaper.  
  • Setting up an online petition via a website that is set up or managed by the lobbyist.  
  • Coordinating or planning a public rally or demonstration.  
  • Distributing flyers that share information about an issue, policy, or problem, publicly. 

Remember that Grassroots lobbying efforts are protected under the First Amendment freedom to speech, under the constitution of the United States.  


Electoral lobbying is often restricted by law, depending on where you live. Electoral lobbying occurs when the lobbyist provides something to the campaign of an electoral candidate. While this may help to get certain people elected, there is no guarantee that the candidate will support or vote the way that the lobbyist wants, later.  

There are many different approaches and techniques of electoral lobbying. Electoral lobbyists often support and donate to presidential candidates in hopes that their interests will be shared by the chosen nominee. For instance, the National Rifle Association (NRA) often donates money to conservative candidates for office that share pro-gun sentiments, in hopes that laws do not become more rigid.  

The Electoral lobbyist doesn’t have to lobby for presidential candidates, but any authority figure or office could be lobbied. In fact, this is a prime way for prospective politicians across the board to gain campaign funds as Electoral lobbyists may host fundraisers for their chosen candidates.  

Electoral lobbying is powerful; it influences and aids many that go on to take office. This results in influencing decisions and legislation that is passed by public offices and authorities. There are some ethics issues connected with this type of lobbying, and the lawmaker is not supposed to be swayed by the resources or rewards that the lobbyist is providing them with.   Do you need the services of a professional lobbyist in the state of Nevada? Call or visit us at David Goldwater Consulting for the support, advocacy, and experience that you need to take your efforts to the next level.

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